Rabu, 14 Juni 2017

Aplikasi Komputer 1

Makalah Ini Disusun untuk memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah Aplikasi Komputer

Dosen Pengampu:
 Muhammad Al-Fatih, M. Pdi
Yusuf Yusian S.S (NIM: 1593244004)


Segala puji bagi dan hanya untuk ALLAH SWT, atas berkat rahmat dan hidayahNya, sehingga kami bisa menyelesaikan tugas makalah Aplikasi Komputer. Solawat dan salam kita haturkan kepada penuntun umat semesta alam nabi Muhmmad SAW yang kita tunggu-tungggu syafa’atnya.
Makalah ini memuat tentang kajian pengertian komputer. Makalah ini diperuntukkan kepada mahasiswa prodi manajemen pendidikan islam (MPI) bidang studi Aplikasi Komputer.
Selanjutnya kami haturkan banyak terima kasih kepada Bapak Muhammad Al-Fatih yang telah membantu kami dalam menyelesaikan makalah ini. Semoga dengan adanya makalah ini bisa mempermudah mahasiswa dalam mempelajari Aplikasi Komputer.
Makalah ini jauh dari kata sempurna, maka dari itu kritik dan saran yang membangun sangat kami harapkan demi perbaikan pada makalah-makalah yang akan datang.
Akhirnya, kami memohon kepada ALLAH SWT agar memberikan kemanfaatan ilmu, melimpahkan  pertolongan dan kebenaran kepada kita semua amin.

Jombang, 24 Oktober 2016



Halaman Judul............................................................................................ 1
Kata Pengantar........................................................................................... 2
Daftar Isi......................................................................................................3
BAB I PENDAHULUAN........................................................................... 4
A.    Latar Belakang.............................................................................................. .4
B.     Rumusan Masalah.......................................................................................... 4
C.     Tujuan Dibuatnya Makalah............................................................................ 4
BAB II PEMBAHASAN............................................................................ 5
A.    Pengertian Komputer........................................................................ .............5
B.     Penggolongan Komputer.................................................................. .............6
C.     Fungsi dan Manfaat Komputer......................................................... .............7
BAB III PENUTUP.................................................................................... 8
A.    Kesimpulan....................................................................................... ............8
B.     Kritik................................................................................................. ...........8
C.     Saran................................................................................................. ...........8


Komputer merupakan salah satu teknologi yang diciptakan manusia untuk mempermudah segala kegiatan manusia, sehingga computer saat ini merupakan salah satu alat yang sangat bermanfaat bagi manusia. Computer terdiri dari berbagai komponen dan sistem. Antar komponen dan sistem, saling terkait satu dengan yang lain dan memiliki fungsi sendiri, yang sesuai dengan kegunaan komponen maupun sistem tersebut.
1.      Apa pengertian komputer?
2.      Apa sejarah komputer?
3.      Apa fungsi komputer?
1.      Untuk mengetahui pengertian komputer.
2.      Untuk mengetahui sejarah komputer.
3.      Untuk mengetahui fungsi komputer.

       BAB II

A.    Pengertian Komputer
Computer berasal dari bahasa latin computare yang mengandung arti 'menghitung'. Menurut sumber yang lainnya, asal kata computer berasal dari bahasa Inggris compute. Meskipun begitu, kedua kata tersebut meskipun berasal dari bahasa yang berbeda mempunyai arti yang sama yakni “menghitung”. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, semakin luas pula bidang ilmu komputer. Oleh karenanya para pakar dan peneliti mempunyai sedikit perbedaan dalam menjelaskan definisi komputer.
Komputer adalah mesin penghitung elektronik yang cepat dan dapat menerima informasi input digital, kemudian memprosesnya sesuai dengan program yang tersimpan di memorinya, dan menghasilkan output berupa informasi. Pengertian komputer tersebut dikemukakan oleh Hamacher. (V. Carl Hamacher, Zvonko G. Vranesic, Safwat G. Zaky, Computer Organization (5th Edition), McGraw-Hill, 2001.)
Komputer adalah suatu alat elektonik yang mampu melakukan beberapa tugas sebagai berikut:
1.      menerima input
2.      memproses input tadi sesuai dengan programnya
3.      menyimpan perintah-perintah dan hasil dari pengolahan
4.      menyediakan output dalam bentuk informasi
Definisi komputer diatas dikemukakan oleh Menurut Blissmer (Robert H. Blissmer, Computer Annual, An Introduction to Information Systems 1985-1986 (2nd Edition), John Wiley & Sons, 1985.)
Komputer adalah suatu pemroses data yang dapat melakukan perhitungan besar secara cepat, termasuk perhitungan aritmetika dan operasi logika, tanpa campur tangan dari manusia. Pengertian komputer diatas dikemukakan oleh Fuori (William M. Fuori, Introduction to the Computer: The Tool of Business (3rd Edition), Prentice Hall, 1981.)
Komputer adalah sistem elektronik untuk memanipulasi data yang cepat dan tepat serta dirancang dan diorganisasikan supaya secara otomatis menerima dan menyimpan data input, memprosesnya, dan menghasilkan output berdasarkan instruksi-instruksi yang telah tersimpan di dalam memori. Definisi tersebut oleh Sanders (1985).
Komputer adalah suatu pemroses data (data processor) yang dapat melakukan perhitungan besar dan cepat, termasuk perhitungan aritmatika yang besar atau operasi logika, tanpa campur tangan dari manusia mengoperasikan selama pemrosesan. Definisi komputer tersebut menurut buku Introduction To The Computer, The Tool Of Busines (William M.Fouri).[1]
B.     Penggolongan Komputer
Ada tiga jenis komputer yang tergolong berdasarkan data yang diolah, yaitu:
1.      Komputer Analog
Komputer Analog adalah komputer yang digunakan untuk mengolah data kualitatif, bekerja secara kontinu dan pararel. Komputer jenis ini biasanya tidak memerlukan bahasa perantara. Contoh dari Komputer ini adalah komputer yang digunakan untuk mengukur suhu, kecepatan suara, dan voltase listrik.
2.      Komputer Digital
Komputer Digital adalah komputer yang digunakan untuk mengolah data kuantitatif seperti huruf, angka, kombinasi huruf dan angka, serta karakter khusus. Biasanya komputer ini memerlukan bahasa perantara (bahasa pemrograman). Salah satu contoh dari Komputer digital adalah PC (personal computer).
3.      Komputer Hybrid
Komputer Hybrid merupakan kombinasi antara komputer analog dan komputer digital. contoh dari komputer ini adalah faksimile.
Penggolongan komputer menurut penggunaannya, ada 2 yaitu:
1.      Komputer untuk tujuan umum (general purpose computer)
Komputer untuk tujuan umum adalah komputer yang digunakan secara umum. Komputer ini adalah komputer yang biasa ditemukan atau yang biasa digunakan sehari-hari. misalnya komputer yang digunakan untuk mengetik, mengolah data perhitungan, mengolah data grafis, mengolah database, dan lain sebagainya. Contoh dari Komputer ini adalah PC dan Laptop.
2.      Komputer untuk tujuan khusus (Special purpose computer)
Special purpose computer adalah komputer yang digunakan secara khusus dan mempunyai satu fungsi saja. Maksud mempunyai satu fungsi adalah komputer tersebut tidak digunakan untuk pekerjaan yang biasanya. Contohnya adalah Komputer SERVER, PC router, atau terminal dumb.[2]
C.     Fungsi dan Manfaat Komputer
Fungsi Komputer adalah sebagai alat yang dipakai untuk mengolah data menurut prosedur yang telah dirumuskan untuk mempermudah pekerjaan dan sebagai alat komunikasi serta dapat digunakan untuk hiburan.
Penggunaan komputer saat ini digunakan tidak cuma untuk bekerja dan untuk hiburan saja tetapi bisa juga berperan di bidang pendidikan seperti sekolah dan kuliah karena terdapat media internet untuk sebagai pendukung penambah wawasan.
Manfaat Komputer, antara lain:
1.      Memudahkan Pekerjaan. Dalam pekerjaan kita yang tentunya perlu menggunakan komputer, akan sangat terbantu sekali dengan adanya komputer ini. Sehingga pekerjaan lebih cepat selesai. Misalnya, untuk membuat dokumen atau untuk menghitung gaji dan sebagainya.
2.      Pengendali/controlling. Pada instansi besar seperti perhotelan, pabrik dan perusahaan lainnya, komputer dapat dipakai sebagai sarana untuk mengendalikan satu atau beberapa system seperti pengendali lampu lalu lintas, operasi elevator dan escalator, pengatur kamera CCTV, pengendalian jaringan, control mekanisme pabrik dan lain-lain.
3.      Alat hiburan. Dengan komputer kita dapat mengghibur dirikita dengan berbagai fasilitas yang terdapat pada kompute. Misalnya, memutar lagu dan menonton film atau bermain game.[3]

A.    Kesimpulan
Computer berasal dari bahasa latin computare yang mengandung arti 'menghitung'. Menurut sumber yang lainnya, asal kata computer berasal dari bahasa Inggris compute. Meskipun begitu, kedua kata tersebut meskipun berasal dari bahasa yang berbeda mempunyai arti yang sama yakni “menghitung”.
Komputer Analog adalah komputer yang digunakan untuk mengolah data kualitatif, bekerja secara kontinu dan pararel. Komputer Digital adalah komputer yang digunakan untuk mengolah data kuantitatif seperti huruf, angka, kombinasi huruf dan angka, serta karakter khusus. Komputer Hybrid merupakan kombinasi antara komputer analog dan komputer digital. contoh dari komputer ini adalah faksimile.
Fungsi Komputer adalah sebagai alat yang dipakai untuk mengolah data menurut prosedur yang telah dirumuskan untuk mempermudah pekerjaan dan sebagai alat komunikasi serta dapat digunakan untuk hiburan.
B.     Kritik
Komputer merupakan alat yang sangat membantu manusia, akan tetapi ada dampak negatifnya, misalnya apabila kencanduan game malah menjadi malas untuk belajar. Sehingga orang tua tetap harus mengawasi anak supaya computer bisa digunakan dengan bijak.
C.    Saran
Manfaatkanlah teknologi computer dengan baik dan benar, sehingga akan memudahkan pekerjaan dalam aktifitas sehari-hari.

Jatikom. “Pengertian Komputer”. 24 Oktober 2016. http://www.jatikom.com/2016/03/pengertian-komputer.html
Ardiansyah, Deva. “Penggolongan Komputer”. 24 Oktober 2016. http://pakdevakeren.blogspot.co.id/2013/08/penggolongan-komputer-berdasarkan-data.html
Eko. “Fungsi Komputer”. 24 October 2016. http://www.fungsiklopedia.com/fungsi-komputer/

[1] Jatikom. “Pengertian Komputer”. 24 Oktober 2016. http://www.jatikom.com/2016/03/pengertian-komputer.html
[2] Ardiansyah, Deva. “Penggolongan Komputer”. 24 Oktober 2016. http://pakdevakeren.blogspot.co.id/2013/08/penggolongan-komputer-berdasarkan-data.html
[3] Eko. “Fungsi Komputer”. 24 October 2016. http://www.fungsiklopedia.com/fungsi-komputer/

Selasa, 09 Mei 2017

Mohammed The Best Model (English)

This paper is made to prepared the job of lecture in study English

Supporting Lecturer:
Aida Aini, S. Ag

Yusuf Yusian S.S


All praises bo to Allah swt, because grace and guidance Allah swt. so that we can finished this paper job. Sholawat and greetings we are extended to Prophet Mohammad saw which we waiting he's syafa'at.
This paper load about Mohammad The Best Models In the World. this paper addressed to college student Educational Management of Islamic field of study English.
Next, we extended many thanks to Miss Aida which help us to finished this paper. Hopefully with this paper can simplify college student in learning English
This paper is far from perfect, therefore criticism and suggestions which build so we expect to better in the next paper will come.
Last, we hope to Allah swt to give expediency science, bestow aid and truly to we all together. Amin                 

Jombang, 04 April 2017



Title Page..................................................................................................... 1
Foreword.....................................................................................................  2
Table of Contents.......................................................................................  3
CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY................................................................... 4
A.    Background................................................................................................... 4
B.     Problem Formulation..................................................................................... 4
C.     Writing Purpose............................................................................................ 4
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION.................................................................... 5
A.    Rasullullah and Experiment............................................................................ 5
B.     Rasullullah and Leadership............................................................................ 6
C.     Rasullullah and The Best Moeslem Humanity................................................. 8
CHAPTER III ENDING........................................................................... 9
A.    Conclusion.................................................................................................... 9
B.     Suggestions................................................................................................... 9


Rasullullah SAW is the last prophet was sending by ALLAH SWT in the world to spread Islam rahmatan lil alamin. He's the man very noble in side of ALLAH SWT. He's a son from Abdullah and Aminah. When he's 8th, he was a orphan and nurtured by his grandfather and uncle.
After boy, he start a trade in Syam. Because trade, he's know Khadijah which later to be his first wife. In one trip of trade, a rabbi knowing an signs of prophethood in Nabi saw. So that, rabbi ask to uncle Abu Thalib to hidden Nabi saw from the Jews so not killed by jews.
When 40th age's, he's always seclusion in the cave Hira'. So that in the one night, he's got first revelation that is Surah Al-Alaq 1-5. After appointment to Prophet, he beginning to invite (dakwah) furtively to he's family, then invite patently in the next year's, especially when Umar bin Khattab convert to Islam.
As man nobley, surely he to be a good person to enviable and an example from various aspect of his life. This paper will discuss some good example taught by Naby saw. So that what later discuss, will be an wisdom and reflections for we to better again.
            1.  Rasullullah SAW and Experiment.
            2.  Rasullullah SAW and Leadership.
            3. Rasullullah SAW and The Best Model Humanity.
            1. Knowledge about Rasullullah SAW and Experiment.
            2. Knowledge about Rasullullah SAW and Leadership.
            3. Knowledge about Rasullullah SAW and The Best Model Humanity.

 Chapter II
A.    Rasullullah and Experiment
Establish a scientific way of thinking by using the Qur'an and Sunnah that have formulated some principles of scientific thinking, namely:
1.      Not accepting opinions that are not based on the arguments, that is proof of practical logic. In the Qur'an it says:
قُلْ هَا تُوا بُرْهَنَكُمْ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ صَدِ قِيْنَ
Say: "Show us your proof if ye are truthful". (Q.S An-Naml: 64)
2.      Denies the presumption of the things that need confidence and knowledge. such as the Qu'ran were denied Christian beliefs about the crucifixion of Christ:
مَا لَهُمْ بِهِ مِنْ عِلْمٍ إِلاَّ اتِّبَاعَ الظَّنِّ وَمَا قَتَلُوهُ يَقِيْنَا
"They do not have a belief about who killed it, except follow mere conjecture, they could not believe that they killed it was' Isa". (Q.S An-Nisa: 157)
3.      Rejecting a thought pattern that is based on the feelings and desires as well as the subjectivity, because it takes a general assessment. As addressed to Nabi Daud as:
فَحْكُمْ بَيْنَ النَّاسِ بِالحَقِّ وَلاَ تَتَّبِعِ الْهَوَي فَيُضُلَّكَ عَنْ سَبِيْلِ الله
"Then give a decision (case) among people with justice and do not follow the vain desires, because it will lead you astray from the path of Allah". (Q.S Shaad: 26)
4.      Steer clear of stagnation, blind taqlid (bandwagon without knowing the issue). In the Qu'ran mention of the threat of harsh against those who say "we just follow what is already our ancestors did". In the verse that reads:
أَوَلَو كَانَ ءَابَآؤُهُمْ لاَيَعْقِلُونَ شَيأً وَلاَ يَهْتَدُوْنَ
"(Will they follow as well), even though their fathers were not aware there's anything, and not guided". (Q.S Al-Baqarah: 170)
5.      Familiarize observation, reasoning, and reasoning. In several verses below:
أَوَلَمْ يَنْظُرُوْ فِي مَلَكُوتِ السَّمَوَتِ ولْأَرْضِ وَمَا خَلَقَ الله مِنْ شَيْءٍ
"And if they do not pay attention to the kingdom of heaven and earth and everything created God?" (Q.S Al-A'raaf: 185)

وَفِي أَنْفُسِكُمْ أَفَلاَ تُبْصِرُونَ
"And (also) in yourselves. Then will you not see? "(Adh-Dzariyaat Q.S: 21).
عَقِبَةُ كَانَ كَيْفَ فَنْظُرُو الْأَرْضِ فِي فَسِيْرُ سُنَنٌ قَبْلِكُمْ مِنْ خَلَتْ قَدْ الْمُكَذِّبِيْنَ
"Indeed elapsed before you sunnah-sunnah of Allah. Therefore berjalanlanh about the earth and see what was the people who belied (Messengers) ". (Q.S Ali Imran: 137).[1]
B.     Rasullullah and Leadership
Prophet Muhammad SAW. is the world leader of the largest in history. Because in just 23 years (less than a quarter of a century), with a cost of less than one percent of the cost used for the French revolution and the victim is less than a thousand people. He has produced three great works that have never been achieved by any leader in the world since the Prophet Adam. until now. Three major works are:
1.      تَوْحِيْدُ الإِلهِ (Oneness of God)
The Great Prophet Muhammad saw. has managed to make the Arabs who initially believed the Lord as much as 360 (polytheism) into a nation that has the absolute monotheism or belief in absolute monotheism.
2.      تَوْحِيْدُ الأُمَّةِ (Unity)
The Great Prophet Muhammad saw. has managed to make the Arabs who all always conduct hostilities between warring tribes and between the tribes, into a nation united in the bonds of faith in the shade of Islam.
3.      تَوْحِيْدُ الْحُكُوْمَةِ (Unity Government)
The Great Prophet Muhammad saw. has successfully guided the Arabs who forever has never been, by his own independent and sovereign, because the Arab nation is a nation that has always conquered by the Persians and Romans, a nation that is able to establish a unitary state that stretched from Africa to Asia.
Propaganda system that is used by the Great Prophet Muhammad saw are:
a.       Planting seeds in the hearts of human beings until completely steady.
b.      Invites those who have had a strong and steady faith to worship run Islamic religious duties diligently and continuously gradually.
c.       Invites those who have a strong and steady their faith and have been diligently conducting worship ongoing basis to practice the noble character.
Methods of propaganda carried out by the Prophet is:
a.       Wisdom, that the words were firm and correct to distinguish between the right and falsehood.
b.      Good advice.
c.       Rejecting the objection of those who opposed it argued that much better, so that those who oppose his mission can not move.
d.      Treating enemies treat him as a close friend.
The fourth method above his mission, mentioned by Allah. in the Qur'an al Karim in a letter:
اُدْعُ اِلَى سَبِيْلِ رَبِّكَ بِالْحِكْمَةِ وَالْمَوْعِظَةِ الْحَسَنَةِ وَجَادِلْهُمْ بِالَّتِى هِيَ اَحْسَنُ ؛ إِنَّ رَبَّكَ  هُوَ اَعْلَمُ بِمَنْ ضَلَّ عَنْ سَبِيْلِهِ ، وَهَوَ اَعْلَمُ بِالْمُهْتَدِيْنَ
"Call upon the people to the path of God with wisdom and good lessons and bantahlah them with a better way. Lo! Thy Lord is He who is more aware of who strayed from His path and He knows best those who receive guidance." (Q.S An-Nahlu:125)
وَلاَ تَسْتَوِى الْحَسَنَةُ وَلاَ السَّيِّئَةُ ؛ اِدْفَعْ بِالَّتِى هِيَ اَحْسَنُ فَإِذَا الَّذِى بَيْنَكَ وَبَيْنَهُ عَدَاوَةٌ كَاَنَّهُ  وَلِيٌّ حَمِيْمٌ
"There is not an equally good and evil. Repel (evil) with a better way, then suddenly people among and between him no hostility seems to have become a very loyal friend."(Q.S Fushsilat:34)[2]
C.     Rasullullah and The Best Moeslem Humanity
Hanz hasanah an attitude or a good example of someone who could be emulated and practiced by others. In this universe, the most well uswatun hasanah is Nabi Muhammad SAW. How come? Because he is a lamp in the dark ages. In an age when human beings behaving worse than animals for example such as the Arabs who bury baby girl alive because it is considered useless. Na'uzdubillah zdalik min.
The Prophet gave many examples to us about life in this world and in the hereafter. Example of a case where a blind Jew, who work every day is to berate, insult, even cursed the Prophet. But with his compassion, his Prophet always fed Jewish beggar before, without ever complaining or hurt by the insult. The Jewish beggar happy, because there are people who still cared about him. Then the beggar had been told "do not approach, since he brought the teachings that deviate from our ancestors". Subhan Allah, the Prophet without the slightest rebuke even hit the Jews as the Jews say to him. Even the Prophet keep feeding the Jews to death.
After the Prophet after his death, Abu Bakar said to 'A'ishah, "whether there are practices that have not done the appropriate beloved? Then Aisha said, "O my father, verily you have done all the deeds done by the Prophet, but there is one practice that you have not done, father!". Then Abu Bakar asked, "does it, O my son?". Aisha said, "The Prophet always fed Jewish blind beggar in the market."
Then Abu Bakar met Jewish and fed her, but how shocked when the blind Jews refused and said, "you know who? People are always feeding me every day will surely advance mengunyahkan food for me until soft! ". Then Abu Bakar cried and said to those Jews that the person who fed the deceased and the person he always despised, abuse, and he anathema was Muhammad SAW who fed him. Then the Jews cried, then shahadah in front of Abu Bakr.
From the above story we can conclude, that the Prophet had a gentle attitude to people in need, even if that person berate and insult him, but he still helps and feeds the Jew blind. When we observe and see if there were any such thing on this earth?.
Respect and respect for others, is an obligation for us, so ingrained attitude of love and sense of belonging that will lead to a harmonious attitude and harmony. But if we are to respect and respect for others, that person still would not appreciate us, we pray, may he receive guidance from Allah. Because we can never know God's guidance can come anytime. As pious scholars saying that if we can not compete with the experts of worship, at least we compete with pentobat in asking forgiveness to Allah.
Cultivate an attitude of hasanah uswatun important to do, because it will not only bring benefits to ourselves, but others and the environment will also benefit them. So, hasanah uswatun attitude was formed by the good habits and focused with based on the intention for Allah.[3]

Chapter III
A.    Conclusion
Establish a scientific way of thinking by using the Qur'an and Sunnah that have formulated some principles of scientific thinking, namely: Not accepting opinions that are not based on the arguments, that is proof of practical logic. Denies the presumption of the things that need confidence and knowledge. Rejecting a thought pattern that is based on the feelings and desires as well as the subjectivity, because it takes a general assessment. Steer clear of stagnation, blind taqlid (bandwagon without knowing the issue). Familiarize observation, reasoning, and reasoning.
Prophet Muhammad SAW. is the world leader of the largest in history. Because in just 23 years (less than a quarter of a century), with a cost of less than one percent of the cost used for the French revolution and the victim is less than a thousand people. He has produced three great works that have never been achieved by any leader in the world since the Prophet Adam. until now.
Hanz hasanah an attitude or a good example of someone who could be emulated and practiced by others. In this universe, the most well uswatun hasanah is Nabi Muhammad SAW. How come? Because he is a lamp in the dark ages. In an age when human beings behaving worse than animals for example such as the Arabs who bury baby girl alive because it is considered useless. Na'uzdubillah zdalik min.
B.     Suggestions
Prophet Muhammad SAW is the best example ever given by Allah SWT to mankind and the universe. So, let us to gradually imitate and practice what has been accepted in those sayings by the Prophet
Qardhawi, Yusuf. 2015. Ar-Rasul Wal Ilmu Tarjamah (Rasullullah dan Sains). Jakarta: Firdaus Pressindo.
Masduqi, Achmad. “Kepemimpinan Rasulullah Muhammad SAW”. 08 April 2017. http://ppssnh.malang.pesantren.web.id/cgi-bin/content.cgi/artikel/kepemimpinan_rasulullah.single?seemore=y
Yusian, Yusuf. “Uswatun Hasanah”. 08 April 2017. Personal Note

1.      Scientific: berpikir ilmiah
Ex: to examine the physics have to think scientifically,
2.      Denies: menyangkal
Ex: it denies women about infidelity.
3.      Assessment: penilaian
Ex: assessment done when you complete the exam.
4.      Astray
Ex: do not be the one to go astray.
5.      Harsh/hard
Ex: do not be too hard.
6.      Elapsed/past
Ex: what happened is elapsed.
7.      Hostilities: pertempuran
Ex: the hostilities was causing many victims.
8.      Sovereign: berdaulat
Ex: the state of our country is sovereign.
9.      Duties: tugas
Ex: we have to perform duties that have been given.
10.  Strayed: tersasar
Ex: I strayed in the jungle last years.

[1] Qardhawi, Yusuf. 2015. Ar-Rasul Wal Ilmu Tarjamah (Rasullullah dan Sains). Jakarta: Firdaus Pressindo. Page 68
[2] Masduqi, Achmad. “Kepemimpinan Rasulullah Muhammad SAW”. 08 April 2017. http://ppssnh.malang.pesantren.web.id/cgi-bin/content.cgi/artikel/kepemimpinan_rasulullah.single?seemore=y
[3] Yusian, Yusuf. “Uswatun Hasanah”. 08 April 2017. Personal Note


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